Author: Molly Young

Molly Young is an 18-year-old Journalism and Public Relations student and Carnegie Aviators Cheerleader. Go, Molly! A pillar of social media knowledge, Molly always has her finger on the pulse when it comes to the latest TikTok trends.

The Lopsided Smile Filter is currently trending on TikTok as users are loving the hilarious outcome! Transform your face to an off-balance profile and be prepared to stay entertained. In this article, we explore the Lopsided Smile Filter and find out just why it is becoming so popular online. Continue reading below to discover all you need to know about this TikTok filter along with funny examples, how you can use it, and more! TIKTOK: ‘Now all my friends are wasted’ song explored! What is the Lopsided Smile Filter on TikTok? No matter your facial expression, the Lopsided Smile Filter…

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Popular YouTuber named Rachel Ballinger recently came out online and announced that she has a girlfriend. Supporters are now wondering who this creator’s girlfriend could be since her name and appearance is yet to be revealed… Continue reading to find out all you need to know about Rachel Ballinger, including her sexuality and newly announced girlfriend. We provide excellent social media examples and Instagram evidence that could slightly reveal the mystery girlfriend… TIKTOK: Dance to the “Breakfast Challenge” Who is Rachel Ballinger? Rachel Ballinger is a 29-year-old social media content creator, known for her comedic vlogs and light-hearted videos about…

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TikTok often features crazy slang but everyone is now wondering, what does KYS mean? Keep reading to discover all you need to know about common online slang, abbreviations and more! CHECK OUT the Menthol Soap viral video on TikTok! What does KYS mean on TikTok? KYS is an abbreviation for the negative phrase ‘kill yourself’. Although this particular slang comes across in a very harmful way, the sentence is often used online with comical context. The phrase is typically used as a joke or sarcastically and should never be taken literally. Usually, KYS is simply a witty way of reacting…

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After the Menthol Soap TikTok video previously blew up, the viral couple were recently featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live with their hit song! Keep reading to discover all you need to know about the Menthol Soap TikTok video along with an update on the viral couple and more! HOW TO: Learn the CapCut trend on TikTok! What is the Menthol Soap TikTok? In January 2021, a TikTok user named @mamaoriley decided to sneakily document her husband’s crazy shower song. Riley explains that after accidentally using menthol soap, her husband (@probablyduston) experienced severe pain in the bottom-area. This uncomfortable experience led Duston…

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The Goddess filter is currently trending online as creators are loving sharing this sparkling, skin-smoothing, colour-changing Instagram feature to TikTok and here’s why… In this article, we explore the Goddess filter with information from where it originated, how to access it and more. Keep reading to discover all you need to know about this trending filter as we provide amazing examples! What is the TikTok Goddess filter? Online, there are various filters which can transform users into having a goddess-appearance. A TikTok hashtag #goddessfilter contains content surrounding different goddess filters. On Instagram, #goddessfilter is also filled with various goddess features.…

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