Author: Roz CT

People know Tiktok NFTs as TikTok non-fungible token. And NFTs are known as digital assets that are either unique or rare. If you’ve acquired an NFT, it means you have possession of unique digital art. To understand better, let’s take a look at physical artworks. Anyone can buy a Monalisa art print, but only one person can own the original, although the artist could still retain the copyright and reproduction rights. How did TikTok NFT start? TikTok sees NFT as an opportunity to compensate their top creators better. Unlike Youtube, TikTok doesn’t pay its creators for advertisements. Although TikTok content…

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Fitness guru, Andy Frisella, created the 75 Hard Challenge on Instagram. With this challenge, he wanted to show people how 75 days straight of discipline could impact a person’s life. He encourages people to take complete control of their life and stop making excuses. 75Hard is an extreme 75-day mental and physical challenge designed with these five main pillars: Staying hydrated by drinking one gallon of water a day.Strict diet adherence with no alcohol drinking.Increased physical activity through 45 minutes workout twice a day: one outdoor and one indoor workout. Reading ten pages of nonfiction a day.Taking transformation photos to stay…

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Soda tab meaning is totally different on TikTok. They’re not just used to hold your straw in place after you crack open your soda. Soda tabs aren’t only meant to be collected, and donated to Ronald McDonald House afterwards. By the way, a pop tab is worth about $0.0004. In other words, you need 23 soda tabs to earn a penny as of writing. Today’s trends, soda tabs have other uses. TikTokers are using soda can tabs to predict their romantic futures or to show love interests. 1st Soda Tab Meaning on TikTok: Hug When you pull a soda tab,…

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Pulling a tap to load Snapchat prank is a time-honored tradition among friends. Would you even be called friends if you don’t occasionally joke around and irritate each other? By default, Snapchat auto-downloads snaps when you receive them so that all you have to do is click on them to view them. However, some are complaining that their snaps aren’t auto-downloading. And yes, you can take advantage of that! The video below of The Lord showed a hilarious Snapchat prank. His tap-to-load stunt led him to figure out who’s that friend who replies for the sake of answering. Read more…

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View a private Instagram account through these easy ways and some private Instagram account viewer apps that work. People let you see what they want you to see. We respect privacy and all that, but sometimes we just have to make sure. An example is when you meet someone. You he’s the one but something doesn’t sit right. You check his social media accounts, and there’s nothing much you’ve found because his Instagram or Facebook accounts are locked. Or you come across an eye-catching photo on a website. When you click on it, it redirects you to an IG account…

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