Does the President have a Christmas tree? A question we never thought we would need to answer to. According to this video, he does!
TikTok user @Kinadee has shared a video filmed in the White House of the Oval Office, showing all of the magnificent Christmas decorations, wreaths, and a huge Christmas tree.
Since all of the drama of the Presidential election, people are dying to get a look at where President Biden will be making his decisions, and here it is in a festive setting!

Where can I watch the Oval Office video?
You can watch it below here!
Alternatively, you can look up @Kinadee on TikTok and see the video featured on her page.
Who is Kinadee?
Not much is known about Kinadee, just that she has made two viral TikTok videos.
She has more than 60 thousand likes on her TikTok and boasts over 3000 followers.
One of the videos is her in the Oval Office in the Whitehouse, and many TikTok users are questioning how she got in there to film.
Her other video is her taking part in the #cleanroomchallenge, which is essentially just a challenge showing before and after tidying room pictures.
Her other video is her taking part in the #cleanroomchallenge, which is essentially just a challenge showing before and after tidying room pictures.
Her Instagram account is private but can be found by searching @Kinadeeshoemaker or by going on her TikTok profile and clicking the Instagram Icon.

Fans react on TikTok
Users on TikTok are leaving their comments on Kinadee’s TikTok video- with a lot of funny ones!
Some users have made parody accounts of previous and future presidents to leave their comments, including Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden.
One user pretending to be Obama said: “My old home!”
Another pretending to be Donald Trump said: “where was I when this was taken?”
And other users are just using comments to voice their excitement about having a new President in 2021!