Get to know the ‘Catch a vibe’ song by THE ANXIETY (Willow Smith and Tyler Cole) that has become an instant hit on TikTok.
On TikTok, the song is called “Meet me at our spot” posted by The Favorites. This song has been used in 1.1 million videos so far (2nd November 2021). Scroll below to find out why this song is so happening.
About ‘Catch a vibe’ song
This song was released on 13th March 2020 by the singers and composers – THE ANXIETY. It is one of the best works by Tyler Cole and Willow Smith. The songs made by these composers bring life to their songs with peppy tunes and catchy lyrics.
After the release, the song went viral and it has been sung and memorized by millions of people. THE ANXIETY tends to make songs that never leave their place in your playlists.
Lyrics with best TikTok attempts
[Verse 1: Willow]When I wake up
I can’t even stay up
I slept through the day, fuck
I’m not getting younger
But when I’m older
I’ll be so much stronger
I’ll stay up for longer
Meet me at our spot
Caught a vibe
Baby are you coming for the ride?
(The ride, the ride, the ride)
I just wanna look into your eyes
(Your eyes, your eyes)
I just wanna stay for the night, night, night
When we take a drive
Maybe we can hit the 405
Hypnotized by the lights
Man, this must be the life
When I go to sleep
I can’t even fall asleep
Something’s got ahold of me
Feel it taking over me
But when I’m older I’ll be moving onward
I just got a drunk text
(Meet me at our spot)
[Chorus: Tyler Cole]
We caught a vibe (yeah, yeah)
Baby are you coming for the ride?
(The ride, the ride, the ride)
When I look into your eyes
(Your eyes, your eyes)
I just wanna hold you all night (all night)
Maybe we can take a drive (take a drive)
Maybe we can hit the 405
Hypnotized by the lights
Man, this must be the life
Meet me at our spot
Got something I wanna show you
Meet me at our spot
They can’t find us there
Meet me at our spot
Got something I wanna show you
Meet me at our spot
They can’t find us there
Caught a vibe (yeah, yeah)
Baby are you coming for the ride?
(The ride, the ride, the ride)
I just wanna look into your eyes
(Your eyes, your eyes)
I just wanna stay for the night, night, night
When we take a drive
Maybe we can hit the 405
Hypnotized by the lights
Man, this must be the life
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