When you make a new or another account on TikTok, it feels like all of the funny TikTok usernames are already taken.
But instead of using an overly used username with a random number, consider the following TikTok username ideas if you are aiming for a funny one.
One of the ways you can instantly bring a smile to a lot of random strangers is by having a funny username. It is also a great way to make the best first impression. Showcase your witty side by choosing one of the following funny and rare usernames.
Funny TikTok usernames
- frostednuts
- whydoIhavetodoit
- builttotallydifferent
- noyousuck
- RuleFollower
- justshadowbanme
- whatdoesthisdo
- everythingbagelwithvegancreamcheese
- Nahthatsnotmystyle
- Thisiskindaboring
- thatsnotmyfault
- what_does_this_button_do
- currentlyusingthisname
- Avocadorable
- notmyidea
- GenZWarrior
- viewer_discretion_advised
- thisismyname
- doilookcoolyet
- Notreallyhere
- DoIhavetobehere
- MrsDracoMalfoy
- didyouthinkIwantedthis
- MrsStyles
- champain
- thatsnotmyidea
- severusvape
- smelly.oatmeal
- donttellmymomIwashere
- fedora_the_explora
- oksowhatdoIdonow
- thisisthehillIwilldieon
- AspiringInfluencer
- WhodoIhavetopaytogetoutofhere
- (Yourname)_not_exotic
Clever usernames not yet taken
- IamtehOPrah
- stopcopyingmyname
- justgoaway
- Yesthisisreallymyname
- Insertfirstnamehere
- notmyname
- YellowSnowman
- googlewasactuallymyidea
- NoIamnotkidding
- doyourealythinkIwouldtellyoumyname
- oprahwindfury
- dontshootme
- HairyPoppins
- anonymouse
- fast_and_the_curious
Good luck in your username hunt. If you find that the one you like is taken up, you can switch the first half of one username with the second half of some other username. Try switching it up like that and see what you get.