The name trend of Urban Dictionary is taking over Instagram this November of 2021. Have you added yours yet?
If you haven’t, you can check out how to go about it below. We will explain what the trend is all about and provide a guide. So keep scrolling to add your name definition in the Urban Dictionary.
What is Urban Dictionary?
Urban Dictionary is a website where you go to to find the meaning of any slang, abbreviations, or phrases that you read or hear on social media. It is also a place where the definition of every word is twisted around to make it funny or gross or both.
To explain better, we obviously went to Urban Dictionary to find the meaning of the website itself. We were not surprised by what we found, just amused!
A website where every god damn definition has to involve something gross and/or sexual.
Go to Urban dictionary and find out.
by A WHITE GUY September 08, 2016
A site where it’s a challenge to find one subject where no one talks about sex.
Me: *Looks up ‘Cookie’*
Definition: “A woman’s pussy.”
Me: Uh, okay. *Looks up ‘Kelly Clarkson’
Definition: “A fine young piece of ass that I’d do some naughty things to if I met.”
Me: *Looks up ‘Herbal Essences’
Definition: “The act of ripping a girl’s ass and pouring shampoo down the middle.”
Me: Of course, Urban Dictionary. Of course.
by holamonsieur March 20, 2010
So lets understand the trend of this website now…
The viral name trend on Instagram explained
The viral challenge asks users to add a photo to their Instagram story along with a particular caption sticker. You must have seen a lot of photos of beautiful sunsets recently.
Now a new challenge has come up where you can use a sticker that says “Show us your name in Urban Dictionary” and add the screenshot of the definition of your name.
So all you have to do is go to the website, search your name, and check out the meaning of your name. Take a screenshot and put it in your story along with the caption sticker.
Since this trend has become popular, you will find that your name already has a definition and an example. If your name is unique, then maybe you will have to submit a definition before you can take a screenshot.
To add in the definition of your name, you can click on the plus sign right beside the search bar. It will take you to a page where you can put the name and the definition, maybe add some tags or gifs as well.

Show us the meaning of your name in the comments below.