Bios depict your personality to your friends and followers so it is important to have a funny or a unique line on Instagram that expresses you.
We have a great collection of funny bios and punny lines that will go perfectly with any account –
Funny bio liners for Instagram
- When you’re downie, eat a brownie.
- Even the Joker is jealous of my smile.
- My heart says yes but my mom says no.
- Don’t call me crazy! I prefer the term mentally hilarious.
- Instagram cool effects allow me to wear expensive dresses without spending a penny, I love it.
- I love saying the things that are better left unsaid.
- Chocolate never asks questions. Chocolate understands.
- I wish I could swipe people left in real life like Tinder.
- Don’t tell anyone, but I’m a ninja.
- I have Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I guess that makes me an instant twit face.
- Can’t seem to recall where I stole this bio from or why.
- Here to steer clear of my family and friends on Facebook.
- I wonder how many miles I’ve scrolled with my thumb..
- Beauty is only skin deep. But ugly? Ah, that goes all the way to the bone!
- If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
- Guilty as charged! My hotness caused global warming.
- Coffee-Drinker, e-Reader Addict, Blogger. I’m very busy and awesome.
- An evolutionary mass of atoms whose sole instinct is survival.
- Only dead fish go with the flow.
- Asking me if I’m hungry is like asking me if I want money.
- The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.
- All this time, I thought I wanted a job. Turns out, I just wanted a paycheck.
- I’m not smart. I just wear glasses.
- Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parents’ job.
- Today I will be as useless as letter g in lasagna.
- Ah, I just love the whooshing sound that deadlines make as they fly by.
- Trying to elevate small talk to medium talk.
- Life is short. Make each hair flip fabulous.
- Time is precious, waste it wisely.
- Extremely passionate about not starving to death.
- If you’re not wasted, the day is!
- Emotionally stable, as an Ikea table.
- Reality called so I hung up.
- I don’t make mistakes, I date them.
- Avoid following the masses blindly. Every so often, the “m” in “masses” is silent.
Bios with pun
- The bags under my eyes are Gucci.
- My puns are koala-tea.
- Don’t kale my vibe
- Everyone has me figured out, which makes it super easy for me.
- I’m always choco-late.
- I have resting beach face.
- I’m very a-peel-ing.
- Every butt, big or small, is special. Learn to love each and every one of them.
- Puns leaf me smiling.
- Let’s taco ’bout it.
- The snuggle is real.
- My cat says I’m pawsome.
- When life gets over-whale-ming, you have to keep on swimming.
- Donut worry. Be happy.
- Ever since my parents told me not to talk to strangers, I haven’t talked to myself.