The upbeat dance trend on TikTok and Instagram called “Wow you can really dance” is for everyone. Not just the dancers.
As long as you can move to the beats, you can join the trend and show off your dancing skills.
How to join the “Wow you can really dance” trend
Out of so many dance routines to choose from, you can easily settle on one of the easy or the difficult ones based on your preference.
Then you will need to sync your moves with this song – Coincidance by Handsome Dancer. The audio track has been used for more than 1.1 million videos which makes this trend timeless now.
Would you believe that the hashtag #youcanreallydance has almost 1000 million views? It is no doubt the most trending dance challenge on TikTok.
Best TikTok attempts
Most of the steps in this challenge are the same but people spice it up by doing something different to make it pleasing and spice things up.
So here are some of the most popular TikTok videos in the trend. They will help you smooth out your routine as well.